Thursday, April 3, 2008


FAQ Summary

  1. What manual should I read for more information on receipts workbench?
  2. What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for more information about the receipts workbench.
  3. How to unapply a receipt in a date different than the last open period?
  4. How can I turn on / activate automatic numbering (auto numbering) for manual receipts?
  5. Why can you enter duplicate receipt numbers?
  6. How do you write off small receipt balances?
  7. How do you apply a receipt to the same transaction twice?
  8. How do you access the LOV for Category and Reason Code on the Reverse Receipts window?
  9. How do you resolve unposted quick cash items? These items print on the Unposted Items Report with message, '* This receipt is part of an unposted quick cash batch'.
  10. How do you apply payments to unrelated customers' invoices?
  11. What do you do with invoices that have credit balances?
  12. How are count and amount totals at the receipt header level updated after reversing a receipt?
  13. I applied a receipt to the wrong customer account. What is the best way to move the funds from one account to another?
  14. What is the difference between a reversed receipt and a debit memo reversal?
  15. How do you refund an overpaid (on account) receipt?
  16. How do you refund a receipt for returned goods?
  17. How do you delete receipts and applications from interim tables?
  18. How can you prorate a receipt amount between tax and line items?
  19. How do you clear a Note Receivable?
  20. How do you change a GL bank account for a receipt class?
  21. How do you create a manual miscellaneous receipt?
  22. How to ensure that AR is posting to GL and that content matches?
  23. When a receipt is reversed, where does the reversal of the On Account line go?
  24. Why is the field "Includes Tax" at the adjustment receipt level not updateable?
  25. How is the ar_payment_schedules.due_date field derived for receipts?
  26. What is the maturity date for receipts in Oracle Receivables?
  27. How to setup an AR responsibility to allow create only miscellaneous receipt or not to create any receipt at all?
  28. What is the difference between on-account and unapplied receipts?
  29. What to do when a customer pays less, because they expect a credit? How to apply this negative on-account cash?
  30. What to do when the "Receipt Summary" form is incorrectly sorted?
  31. Why does LOV in Receipts Workbench show inactive customers?
  32. Why message "Do you want to cancel claims on this receipt?" when you want to reverse a receipt?
  33. What is receipt API?
  34. How to get a debug log file from the receipt API?
  35. Where to get an explanation of accounting entries concerning receipts?
  36. How to process a payment for a credit memo in AR?
  37. How can you change the type of the receipt from cash to miscellaneous once its entered and saved?
  38. What date does AR use to calculate earned discounts?
  39. Why does the receipt summary form not show the transaction numbers?
  40. How to confirm automatic receipts at batch level?
  41. How to setup an AR responsibility with disabled "Reverse...1" button in the receipts form?
  42. Why do on-account receipts have "wrong" count on batch header window?
  43. What is the meaning of exchange gain/loss?
  44. Why does post quick cash not over apply receipts?
  45. How change a distribution set in a miscellaneous receipt?
  46. How group all of the miscellaneous receipts into a API receipt batch?
  47. How to Apply an On-Account Receipt?
  48. How do you change the GL date default for receipts?
  49. Why does payment method LOV not having any values when entering receipt batch?
  50. Why is the system not allowing you to pay the invoice or debit items of an unrelated customer.
  51. Why does receipt write-off report complete with no data found?
  52. Is there a limit to the number of times one can format a remittance batch?
  53. Why is AR: Enable Cross Currency profile option missing?
  54. How do you reverse receipts in a different period?

FAQ Details

1. What manual should I read for more information on receipts workbench?

Please see MetaLink Note:67189.1 for the most current version of the
Receivables Users Guide for the release you are using.

Also see Oracle Receivables User Guide for Release 11i

2. What are the MetaLink keywords I should use when searching for more information
about the receipts workbench?

ARXRWMAI, ARXRW, receipts workbench
ARZCAR, automatic receipts/remittances

3. How to unapply a receipt in a date different than the last open period?

When you unapply a receipt application, Oracle Receivables assigns a reversal
GL date to each application that you reopen. The reversal GL date defaults to
the GL date of the original application if that period is still open. If the
original application's GL date is in a closed period, then the reversal GL date
defaults to the current date. If the current date is not open, the default is
the last date of the most recent open period.

If you want the reversal GL date to be a different date, you can change it as

A. Navigate to Receipts>Receipts or Receipts>Batches.
B. Query the receipt you want to unapply.
C. Select the Applications button.
D. Uncheck the 'Apply' box to unapply the receipt application.
E. BEFORE YOU SAVE scroll to the right until you see the Reversal GL Date
F. Change this date to any date in an open period that is on or after the
original GL date for the receipt.
G. Save your work. (After saving, the Reversal GL Date column becomes blank
and it grayed out.)

4. How can I turn on / activate automatic numbering (auto numbering) for manual receipts?

Oracle Receivables does not automatically number manual receipts. However,
document sequencing can be activated for manual receipts. Document sequence
numbers are unique numbers that can be assigned to receipts created in
Receivables. Document sequencing is an optional feature within Receivables
that can be activated using a profile option. The exception to this is that
if you are using automatic receipts, you must use document sequencing to
sequence the automatically generated receipts.

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 2 - Setting Up,
'Implementing Document Sequences' for more information on this function.

Enhancement 473005.

5. Why can you enter duplicate receipt numbers?

Duplicate receipt numbers is a functionality of Receivables. Many customers use
their customer's check number as the receipt number and for this reason, unique
receipt numbers are not required. Internally, a unique cash_receipt_id is
assigned to each receipt as it is saved.

However, a receipt is considered as 'duplicated' - and not allowed, if the
receipt number, receipt date, amount, and customer are identical to another

6. How do you write off small receipt balances?

In Oracle Receivables version 11i, you can write off unapplied cash receipt
balances. Receipt write-off functionality is provided to account for small
overpayments that you do not intend to refund or maintain as unapplied amounts
or on account balances. With this function, you can choose to write off an
unapplied cash receipt amount, within certain limits, to a specific general
ledger account. The write-off amount is credited to this account, such as a
miscellaneous revenue account, and no longer reflects as an unapplied amount
on the receipt or on the customer's account.

You can write off individual unapplied receipt amounts during receipt
application or later, at any time using the Applications window. You can also
write off balances of multiple receipts in mass using the Create Receipt
Write-off option.

For Release 11.0.3 please see Note 199769.1 for a possible workaround.

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts,
'Writing Off Unapplied Receipts' for more information on this function.

How to setup Receipt Write Off, please also check document 'Receipt Write-Off White Paper' Note 203243.1.

See also Note 184887.1.

7. How do you apply a receipt to the same transaction twice?

Oracle Receivables does not allow you to add a second line to a receipt for the
same invoice or debit memo. However, you can change the original line applied
to the invoice and increase the applied amount by the unapplied portion that
you want to apply.

8. How do you access the LOV for Category and Reason Code on the Reverse Receipts window?

The Reverse Receipts window is a modal window. Oracle Applications 10.7NCA and
R11.0 do not support icon toolbar access in modal windows. You can use
Control-L to access the LOV for these fields in either of these versions.

In version 11i, you can click on the LOV or use Control - L to access the LOV.

9. How do you resolve unposted quick cash items? These items print on the
Unposted Items Report with message, '* This receipt is part of an unposted
quick cash batch'?

There are several reasons why this situation may occur, so first we need to
determine if the records are duplicates or if they need to be processed.

A. Run the following script for your general ledger posting date range to
determine the number of batches affected. Input the receipt number that
received the error. Or if you received this error for multiple receipts,
change the 4th line of the script from = to IN and then list each receipt
number in single quotes, separated by commas, in parentheses, such as IN
(1234, 1235, 1236, 1237).

SELECT cash_receipt_id, receipt_number, amount, batch_id,
status, gl_date, gl_posted_date
FROM ar_interim_cash_receipts_all
WHERE receipt_number = '&receipt_number'
and gl_date between '&DD-MMM-RRRR' and '&DD-MMM-RRRR';

B. Run the following script for each unique batch_id returned in script #1
above to see if the batches exist in the permanent tables. If you received
multiple batch_id's above, change the 4th line of the script from = to IN
and then list each batch_id separated by commas in parentheses, such as IN
(5001, 5002, 5003, 5004).

SELECT batch_id, batch_applied_status, operation_request_id,
name, batch_date, deposit_date, status, gl_date, closed_date
FROM ar_batches_all
WHERE batch_id = '&from above';

C. Run the following script for each cash_receipt_id returned in script #1 above
to see if the receipts exist in the permanent tables. If you received
multiple cash_receipt_id's above, change the 3rd line of the script from = to
IN and then list each cash_receipt_id separated by commas in parentheses, such
as IN (15122, 15123, 15124, 15125).

SELECT cash_receipt_id, receipt_number, amount, status
FROM ar_cash_receipts_all
WHERE cash_receipt_id = &cash_receipt_id;

D. If script #3 above returned no rows for the receipt and if the
batch_applied_status from script #2 above is not 'POSTBATCH_WAITING',
then refresh your test environment with data from your production system
and run the following script in TEST:

UPDATE ar_batches_all
SET request_id = null, batch_applied_status = 'POSTBATCH_WAITING',
status = 'OP', operation_request_id = null
WHERE batch_id = 'batch_id identified above';

Commit ;

Then select your batch for quick cash posting. You can query the batch name
associated with the batch id and check the control amount and total to make
any needed adjustments.

When you have completed these steps in TEST and confirmed that they worked
correctly, please repeat in Production.

If script #3 above returned rows for the receipt, then you need to delete
these cash receipts from the AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL and
AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_LINES_ALL tables. The safest way to do that is to
delete the quick cash receipts using the forms. Then rerun the AR posting
to GL. You can also use the following scripts to delete these duplicate
interim records:

From your TEST environment first:

FROM ar_interim_cash_receipts_all
WHERE cash_receipt_id = &id;

FROM ar_interim_cash_rcpt_lines_all
WHERE cash_receipt_id = &id;

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts,
'QuickCash' for more information on this process.

10. How do you apply payments to unrelated customers' invoices?

The correct way to apply a receipt to more than one customer is to either
establish a relationship between the customers or make sure the
System Option - Allow Payment of Unrelated Transactions is checked.

Once one or both of the conditions above are met, follow these procedures:

A. Navigate to Receipts>Receipts or Receipts>Batches to enter a new receipt.
B. Enter the receipt number, amount, payment method, and customer number
of the first customer you want to apply the invoice too. You must enter a
customer number on this screen in order to make the Applications button
C. Select the Applications button.
D. Apply the receipt to the first customer's invoice.
E. If you want to apply monies to another, different customer's invoice, then
scroll to the right to find the Customer number field and change the number
to the other customer's number.

NOTE: If you will be processing many payments to related customers' invoices,
you can drag the Customer number column and drop it close to the Apply to
column, then save these changes in a folder.

F. Then scroll back to the Apply To field and select the LOV. You should now
see the other customer's open invoices and can make a selection from here.
G. Save your changes.

See Note 207487.1, Applying Receipt to Multiple Customers

11. What do you do with invoices that have credit balances?

Create a zero-dollar receipt and apply it to the invoice. This will give the
zero-dollar receipt a positive balance that can be used to pay off other

Example: Invoice A - $100
Receipt B - $120

Apply Receipt B to Invoice A and Invoice A will have a -$20 balance.

To resolve, create Receipt C for $0. Apply Receipt C to Invoice A and Invoice
A will be closed. Then Receipt C will have a balance of $20 to be used for
other invoices.

12. How are count and amount totals at the receipt header level updated after
reversing a receipt?

a. Actual Count and Amount will always show THE ACTUAL NUMBER AND AMOUNT of
receipts entered, regardless of any reversals.
b. Returned Count and Amount show the number and amount of receipts reversed
for the reasons "Non-sufficient funds", or "Stop Payment", i.e. the CUSTOMER
has backed out of the payment.
c. Reversed Count and Amount show the number and amount of receipts reversed
for the reason "Reverse Payment", i.e. the ENTRY CLERK has made a mistake
and wants to back out the payment.
d. Difference Count and Amount show the Control - (Actual - Reversed) totals.

13. I applied a receipt to the wrong customer account. What is the best way to
move the funds from one account to another?

The receipt can be reversed and a new receipt entered for the correct customer
if the original receipt does not have any adjustments or chargebacks that have
been posted to the general ledger. Otherwise, a debit memo reversal will have
to be created.

Or, if you have established a relationship between the customers or activated
the System Option - Allow Payment of Unrelated Transactions, then you can
unapply the application for the original customer and then apply an amount to
the other customer on the existing receipt.

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts,
'Reversing Receipts' for more information on this function.

14. What is the difference between a reversed receipt and a debit memo reversal?

Receivables lets you reverse a receipt when a customer stops payment on a
receipt or if a receipt is returned from the bank for insufficient funds.
You can also reverse a receipt if you want to re-enter and reapply it in
Receivables (although you can just unapply and reapply, rather than reverse
if you prefer).

You can reverse cash and miscellaneous receipts before or after they are posted
to the General Ledger, and before or after they are applied. Receivables lets
you create two types of reversals:

1. Standard Reversal
With a standard reversal, Receivables creates reversing journal
entries for your general ledger and reopens all of the debit and credit
items that were closed with the original receipt. You can create a standard
reversal for cash and miscellaneous receipts, as well as a transaction
related to a chargeback as long as there is no activity against the
chargeback and the chargeback has not been posted to the general ledger.
You also cannot process a standard reversal for any receipts that have
adjustments or chargebacks that have been posted to the general ledger.
For these exceptions, a debit memo reversal must be used.

To reverse a receipt:
A. Navigate to: Receipts>Receipts or Receipts>Batches
(enter batch information, then press the Receipts button).
B. Query the receipt to reverse.
C. Select the Reverse button.
D. Confirm or change the reversal date and reversal GL date. Oracle Receivables
assigns the GL date and reversal GL date as the current date. If the
current date is not in an open period, then it assigns both dates as the
last date of the most recent open period. If the original GL date of the
receipt is later than the current date, then Receivables uses the original
GL date. You can change the reversal GL date and GL date to any date in an
open period that is on or after the original GL date for the receipt.
E. Select the Category for this reversal.
Valid categories are: Reverse Payment, Non-Sufficient Funds, and
Stop Payment.
F. Select a Reason for this reversal.
G. Type a comment for the reversal, if desired.
H. Select the Reverse button.
I. Save your work.

2. Debit Memo Reversal
Debit memo reversals are typically used when a standard payment reversal
cannot be done. Debit memo reversals are required when you want to reverse
a receipt that was previously applied to a chargeback and the chargeback has
activity against it (such as another receipt, credit memo, or adjustment);
or when chargebacks or adjustments have been posted to the General Ledger
for the receipt you want to reverse.

Receivables does not update any of the activity associated with the original
receipt when you create a debit memo reversal. Instead it creates new
receivable debit items for the items closed by the original receipt.

You cannot process a debit memo reversal for a miscellaneous receipt.

To create a debit memo reversal:
A. Navigate to: Receipts>Receipts or Receipts>Batches (enter batch information,
then press the Receipts button).
B. Query the receipt to reverse.
C. Select the Reverse button.
D. Confirm or change the reversal date and reversal GL date. Oracle Receivables
assigns the GL date and reversal GL date as the current date. If the current
date is not in an open period, then it assigns both dates as the last date of
the most recent open period. If the original GL date of the receipt is later
than the current date, then Receivables uses the original GL date. You can
change the reversal GL date and GL date to any date in an open period that is
on or after the original GL date for the receipt.
E. Select the Category for this reversal.
Valid categories are: Reverse Payment, Non-Sufficient Funds, and
Stop Payment.
F. Select a Reason for this reversal.
G. Type a comment for the reversal, if desired.
H. Check the Debit Memo Reversal box.
I. Select a debit memo Transaction Type for this reversal.
J. Select the Reverse button.
K. Save your work.

15. How do you refund an overpaid (on account) receipt?

If your customer has overpaid and you want to cut a refund check for the
overage from on account, follow these procedures to clear the credit entry
from Accounts Receivable and process a refund through Accounts Payable.

This is a manual process between AR and AP.

A. You need to get the on account balance applied to an invoice. When the
receipt was applied, the following general ledger entries were made:

Cash On Account
-------- ----------------
100 | | 100

B. Create a debit memo for the amount of the on account credit you want to
refund. Use a special Debit Memo transaction type that uses a clearing
account rather than Revenue. This will cause the following general ledger
entries to be made:

Receivable Clearing
--------------- -------------
100 | | 100

C. Apply the on account amount to the new debit memo. This will cause the
following general ledger entries to be made (leaves you with a Cash debit
for $100 and a Clearing account credit for $100):

Receivable On Account Cash
--------------- ---------------- -------------
| 100 100 | 100 | 100

D. In Oracle Accounts Payable, process a check crediting $100 to cash and
debiting the clearing account for $100 as below. This returns the cash and
all other accounts to zero.

Cash Clearing
------------ -------------
| 100 100 |

16. How do you refund a receipt for returned goods?

If your customer is requesting a refund for goods returned, follow these
procedures to clear the credit entry from Accounts Receivable and process a
refund through Accounts Payable. This is a manual process between AR and AP.

A. Create a credit memo in AR for the returned goods. Use the same Revenue
and Receivable accounts referenced on the original invoice. This will cause
the following general ledger entries to be made:

Receivable Revenue
--------------- -------------
| 100 100 |

B. Create a debit memo to offset the credit memo. Use a special Debit Memo
transaction type that uses a clearing account rather than Revenue. This
will cause the following general ledger entries to be made:

Receivable Clearing
--------------- -------------
100 | | 100

C. In Oracle Accounts Payable, process a check crediting $100 to cash and
debiting the clearing account for $100 as below. This returns the cash and
all other accounts to zero.

Receivable Clearing
--------------- -------------
| 100 100 |

17. How do you delete receipts and applications from interim tables?

If a receipt came in through quickcash and was not purged from the interim
table or it was missing from the batch and was entered manually, then you can
delete the receipts and their application as follows:

SELECT receipt_number, cash_receipt_id, gl_date
FROM ar_interim_cash_receipts_all
WHERE receipt_number = &receipt_number;

Using the cash_receipt_id you can delete the data:

FROM ar_interim_cash_receipts_all
WHERE cash_receipt_id = &id;

FROM ar_interim_cash_rcpt_lines_all
WHERE cash_receipt_id = &id;


18. How can you prorate a receipt amount between tax and line items?

Application Rule Sets determine the logic Receivables uses to apply partial
payments to your customer's open debit items, as well as how discounts affect
the open balance for each type of associated charges. You can set up different
application rule sets for each transaction type. You can also assign a default
application rule set in the System Options.

Receivables provides the following seeded Application Rule Sets:
- Line first / tax after
- Line first / tax prorate
- Prorate all
- Over application rule

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts,
'Receivables Application Rule Sets' and Chapter 2 - Setting Up,
'Application Rule Sets' for more information.

19. How do you clear a Note Receivable?

This is done in Oracle Cash Management for Note Receivables when the receipt
class is set with a clearance method of "By Matching". To clear automatically,
you need to setup your receipt class with a clearance method equal to
"By Automatic Clearing".

20. How do you change a GL bank account for a receipt class?

To change the receipt class bank account information, end-date the receipt
class you want to change and create a new receipt class with the desired GL
bank information.

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 2 - Setting Up,
'Receipt Classes' for more information on this process.

21. How do you create a manual miscellaneous receipt?

Navigate to Receipts>Receipts or Receipts>Batches (and enter batch information
if applicable). Select Receipt Type = Misc from the dropdown and then enter
your receipt information.

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts,
'Entering Miscellaneous Receipts' for more information on this process.

22. How to ensure that AR is posting to GL and that content matches?

Please review Note 1057131.6

23. When a receipt is reversed, where does the reversal of the On Account line

If a receipt that has a partial amount placed on account is reversed, the on
account portion of the receipt is also reversed.

24. Why is the field "Includes Tax" at the adjustment receipt level not

Navigation: Receipts>Receipts>(Query receipt)>Applications button>Adjustments

"Includes Tax" defaults in based on how you define your Adjustment Activity.
The Tax Code source you specify determines whether Receivables calculates
and accounts for tax on adjustments.

See the Oracle Receivable User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 2- Setting Up,
'Receivables Activities' for more information.

25. How is the ar_payment_schedules.due_date field derived for receipts?

The value stored in ar_payment_schedules.due_date for a receipt is the
maturity date in the receipts form under the remittance region. It initially
defaults to the receipt date. If the receipt date is changed to a later date,
you are requested to enter a maturity date that falls after the receipt's date.

26. What is the maturity date for receipts in Oracle Receivables?

The maturity date in Oracle Receivables is a date that determines when funds
for an automatic receipt can be transferred from your customer's bank account
to your bank account. The maturity date cannot be before the receipt date.

27. How to setup an AR responsibility to allow create only miscellaneous receipt
or not to create any receipt at all?

A. If you do not want the responsibility to enter any receipts, exclude the
'Receipt: Enter' and 'Miscellaneous Receipts: Enter' functions.

Navigation: Using System Administrator responsibility,
Go to Security>Responsibility>Define.
Query the Receivables responsibility in which you want to restrict the
entering receipt functionality.
Go to the Menu exclusion zone.
Enter new records to exclude 'Receipt: Enter' and
'Miscellaneous Receipts: Enter' functions.

B. If you want the responsibility to enter just miscellaneous receipts,
leave the setup excluding the 'Receipt: Enter' function only but upgrade
your versions of the following programs:

forms/US/ARXRWRCT.fmb to 115.84 or higher
resource/ARXRWRCT.pld to 115.121 or higher
(patchset 11i.AR.F #1763786 or higher)

28. What is the difference between on-account and unapplied receipts?

Unapplied Receipt:
This receipt is not applied to an existing invoice when it is entered. When
the customer does not want to apply the entered receipt they can leave it as
unapplied and apply the amount on a later date.

In case of an On-Account receipt, there is no identified invoice against the
receipt. Advance money is received from the customer and the invoice for the
same can be raised at a later date.

Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i,
Chapter 6 - Receipts.

29. What to do when a customer pays less, because they expect a credit?
How to apply this negative on-account cash?

Applications functionality does not allow creation of negative receipts.
You need to enter the credit memo and apply this.

30. What to do when the "Receipt Summary" form is incorrectly sorted?

Use the Folder functionality to sort.

A. On the Tool bar click on the Folder Option -> New. This will lead you
onto 'Create New Folder' window.

Enter a name - Enter a Name for reference purpose.
In Autoquery region--- Choose the radio button -- 'Always'
Set the checkbox 'Open as Default' to 'Yes'
Set the checkbox 'Public' to 'Yes'
Click on OK

B. Now again click on the Toolbar --> Folder -> Sort Data.
This will lead to a popup window - 'Sort Data'. The window will have three
Receipt Number
Receipt Date
Checkbox 'Run Query' set to 'Yes'

This means that you can have sorting based on these three columns only.
Against each column we have an option to specify the type of order by. Please
select the appropriate order by clauses applicable in your case and then again
on the toolbar, click on the Folder -> Save.

C. Close the form and then Navigate again into window and verify the result.
You would see that the data is displayed as per the order set above.

The following windows in the Receipts Workbench are Folder windows. You can
customize the appearance of these windows by selecting options from the Folder menu:
•Lockbox Transmission Data
•Receipt Batches Summary
•Receipts Summary
•Remittances Summary

See Note 183963.1, How to Use Folders to Change the Layout of Summary
Screens in Oracle Applications.

For more information about folders, see: Customizing the Layout of a Folder
in the Oracle Applications User Guide.

31. Why does LOV in Receipts Workbench show inactive customers?

This behaviour is intended functionality. Inactive customers are displayed
in the LOV in the Receipt workbench, because inactive customer may still have
outstanding transactions.

See Note 211818.1 How to Prevent a Customer from Displaying in the Receipts

32. Why message "Do you want to cancel claims on this receipt?" when you want
to reverse a receipt?

Receivables integrates with Oracle Marketing Online’s Trade Management to
let you record, research, and resolve your customers’ short payments and over
payments on their receipts. These payment discrepancies are called

When there is a claim attached to a receipt then you will get this warning
message. If you want to cancel the claim you can say ' Yes". If you say
'No', then the claims will not be cancelled.

If the claims are not cancellable, or not complete, a message will tell you
that the receipt may not be reversed until the claims have been completed.

Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i,
Chapter 6 - Receipts, Applying Receipts and Working with Claims.

33. What is receipt API?

Please review Note 165807.1.

34. How to get a debug log file from the receipt API?

Please review Note 177132.1.

35. Where to get an explanation of accounting entries concerning receipts?

Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i,
Chapter 8 - Accounting for Receivables.

36. How to process a payment for a credit memo in AR?

Payments need to be processed through Accounts Payable. See also
question 16. How do you refund a receipt for returned goods?

37. How can you change the type of the receipt from cash to misc once
it is entered and saved?

This is not possible as the field Type is not updateable once it is entered
and saved. Cash type receipts store data in different tables than
miscellaneous type receipts. That is why the 'Type' field on the Receipts
form is protected as soon as the receipt is saved for the first time.

38. What date does AR use to calculate earned discounts?

When determining the discount percent for earned discounts,
Receivables uses the invoice date, discount grace days, and the apply
date of the receipt to determine the discount percent for this payment

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts,

39. Why does the receipt summary form not show the transaction numbers?

Functionally a receipt can be applied to one or more transactions.
Hence the summary form cannot show transaction numbers.

40. How to confirm automatic receipts at batch level?

1. Go to Receipts Summary Form.
2. Query the receipt batch.
3. Use Edit, Select all to mark all records.
4. Push button confirm.

See Note 185309.1.

41. How to setup an AR responsibility with disabled "Reverse...1" button in
the receipts form?

You need to do the following to disable the reverse...1 button in the receipts
Navigate to System administrator responsibility.
Navigate to Security>Responsibility>define
Then query on :
Responsibility name: your responsibility name
Application: Oracle Receivables
In the menu exclusion tabbed region select the following function:
Receipt Reversal : Standard
Receipt Reversal: Debit Memo
Then save your work.
By doing the above , your receipt reversal button would be disabled in the
receipts form.

42. Why do on-account receipts have "wrong" count on batch header window?

When a part of one receipt is applied and part unapplied it is treated
as one receipt with the count going to 'Applied' count.

See Note 207766.1, 11i-AR-On-Account Receipts Are Showing Wrong Count On Batch
Header Screens.

43. What is the meaning of exchange gain/loss?

A realized gain or loss occurs when the exchange rate changes between the
invoice date and the receipt date.

Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i,
Chapter 6 - Receipts, Applying Cross Currency Receipts, Calculating the Foreign
Currency Exchange Gain or Loss.

44. Why does post quick cash not overapply receipts?

You cannot overapply a receipt to an open debit item using AutoCash rules.

Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i,
Chapter 6 - Receipts, How AutoLockbox Applies Receipts, Overapplying Invoices.

45. How change a distribution set in a misc receipt?

When entering a Misc Receipt and selecting the receivable activity you are not
able to select a specific distribution set. This is a non-updateable field.
The values that you see are the ones that were setup in the
setup>receipts>receivable activity.

Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i,
Chapter 6 - Receipts, Entering Miscellaneous Receipts.

46. How group all of the misc receipts into a API receipt batch?

Receipt API for receipt batches has not been issued by Oracle.

47. How to Apply an On-Account Receipt?

See Note 142222.1, How to Apply an On-Account Receipt.

Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i,
Chapter 6 - Receipts, Applying Receipts.

48. How do you change the GL date default for receipts?

Oracle Receivables defaults the current date for the receipt GL date as long as
the date is in an open period. Otherwise, it will default to the last day of
the most recent open period. There are no profile options available to stop
the receipt's GL date from defaulting.

However, the profile option 'AR: Application GL Date Default' will control the
GL date default when you apply receipts.

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Appendix B for more
information on this profile option.

49. Why does payment method LOV not having any values when entering receipt batch?

Payment method associated with this batch source is probably enddated.

50. Why is the system not allowing you to pay the invoice or debit items
of an unrelated customer?

Make sure system option Allow Payment of Unrelated Invoices is set to 'Yes'.
To apply the on account receipt of one customer to another customers'
invoices, instead of entering the transaction number of the unrelated debit
item, you have to enter the customer number first, then you will be able to
select an unrelated customer's debit item.

See Note 1063174.6 Unable to apply a receipt to an unrelated transaction.
Please check the Oracle Receivables User Guide release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts, Applying Receipts.

51. Why does receipt write-off report complete with no data found?

Please check Note 176785.1 Receipt Write-Off Report Completes With No Data Found.

52. Is there a limit to the number of times one can format a remittance batch?

There is no limit to the number of times you can format a remittance batch.


Also see Chapter 6 - Receipts - Formatting Remittance Batches in the Oracle Receivables User Guide for Release 11i

53. Why is AR: Enable Cross Currency profile option missing?

In patchsets 11.5.AR.H and forward, it is assumed that this option is enabled.

See Note 207372.1 AR: Enable Cross Currency Profile Option is Missing.

54. How do you reverse receipts in a different period?

When you reverse a receipt, Oracle Receivables assigns the GL date and reversal
GL date as the current date. If the current date is not in an open period,
then it assigns both dates as the last date of the most recent open period.
If the original GL date of the receipt is later than the current date, then uses the original GL date.

You can change the reversal GL date and GL date to any date in an open period
that is on or after the original GL date for the rece you want a transaction to be posted in a prior period, the period
must be open. If the period is already closed and you do not want to open it,
you will not be able to do this. Please be aware that reopening a period can
lead to further unposted items. If you choose to go this route, please ensure
that your data entry personnel do not enter any transactions into this period.

See the Oracle Receivables User Guide Release 11i, Chapter 6 - Receipts,
'Reversing Receipts' for more information on this function.

IMPORTANT: If you did not find the information you were searching for, please review the
following documents:

Troubleshooting Guides for the Receipts Workbench [Note:182111.1]
Current Issues for the Receipts Workbench
Setup & Usage for Receipts Workbench

Copyright © 2002 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation

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